Mac tool truck routes near me
Mac tool truck routes near me

mac tool truck routes near me

Even in shops where Mike is the most successful distributor, he knows he’ll always be competing against at least one more successful distributor, and maybe one or two others. One is the way he has carefully built and maintained a profitable route. Mike has developed two strategies to make sure he’s always one of the two. “Two (distributors) are going to make it, the third will struggle, and a fourth won’t survive.” Off the beaten path With flat-rate pay structures and the drastic reductions in flat-rate times in recent years, plus economic issues still plaguing the automotive service industry, plus competition from Internet tool sales, Mike says it’s rare for one route to support more than two distributors. Mike explains that in any given route, there will be two successful tool distributors. For three years Mike was Mac’s Number One distributor, and for four years, Mike and Leroy were Mac’s Number One “Two-Man Team.” Mike plans to be Number One again, because he works hard to be “One of Two.” Eleven years ago he hired his brother, Leroy, to drive a second route.

mac tool truck routes near me

Mike Hess has been a Mac tool distributor for 22 years.

Mac tool truck routes near me